Friday, April 12, 2013

Silent No More

This week I have been silent on the issue of the Holocaust, even though it is Holocaust Remembrance Week.  Why have I been silent?  It is not out of apathy or ignorance, but it is largely due to the fact that so many thoughts are running around in my head and I haven't had time to gather them all together.  I'm still not sure I can share them the way I would like.

The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah in Hebrew which means catastrophe; and Churben or Hurban from the Hebrew word for destruction was a horrific time in human history.  My mind can't even fathom how people can do such violent things to another human being, not to mention, millions. 

Those murders that took place in Germany, were generated by the same perversion of human nature that the holy Scriptures depict, beginning in the Book of Genesis. (Jews for Jesus; The Holocaust, 2004) Emphasis mine.

We see that same perversion of human nature as our nation has murdered over 56 million unborn babies since 1973.  

It is the same perversion of the human nature that goes into our schools and kills children and teachers.  

It is the same perversion of the human nature that walks into a church and opens fire on the pastor and the congregation.

It is the same perversion of the human nature that denies we are created in the image of God. (Genesis 1:26-28)  It is the same perversion of the human nature that says we evolved; that we are no better than the animals; that human life isn't precious at any stage--from conception to natural death.

It is the same perversion of the human nature that tells Christians we need to accept the things God Word clearly says is sin.  It is the same perversion of the human nature in which our Judeo-Christian beliefs are mocked and ridiculed and squelched.  It is the same perversion of the human nature that causes us to be fearful and remain silent as our rights are being taken away.

What is the answer?  If we look at the perversion of the human nature, we know there is only one answer.  The answer is found only in Jesus Christ.  

Dear Christian, we need to repent and return to the Lord.  We need to be in Bible teaching churches where the pastor is not afraid to preach the Word.  Are we willing to stand up for God's truth?  Let us flood the churches when the doors are open for worship and prayer.  Then let us take those truths and live them out each and every day.  Are we willing to stand in Christ alone against the perversion of the human nature?

Let us wake up!  Stand up!  Speak out!  Be silent no more! 

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